Swiss Chard Seeds for sale

Garden Tower Project

Lawnmowers and Rototillers

swiss chard seed

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Terracotta Composting 50-Plant Garden Tower by Garden Tower Project


HEIRLOOM SWISS CHARD PERPETUAL SPINACH -- 500 Seeds Beta vulgaris 50 days. The shiny green leaves of this chard resemble spinach in appearance and flavor. Delicious raw or steamed. Very hardy and prolific, and much slower to bolt than spinach. Harvest begins at 50 days and can last through Autumn. Chard replaces spinach during the hot summer months. Make cuttings of mature Swiss Chard leaves about 1 inch above the ground and new chard leaves will form. The chard plants will then grow new stems and leaves, allowing continuous harvest all season until frost. Planting instructions are included. Swiss Chard is full of nutrients like vitamins K,A,C,E, fiber, potassium, and calcium. It’s been shown to promote a healthy heart and eyes, strong bones and immune system.


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