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(10) Eversweet Everbearing Day Neutral Strawberry Bare Root Plants


Everbearer Day Neutral 

Fruits throughout Spring, Summer, and Fall, even when temperatures are over 90 degrees . Outstanding flavor, and works well in bedding plants packs and in hanging baskets. Shows great results all over the USA.

Strawberries are extremely adaptable and are grown in every state in the U.S. Plants generally grow 6”–8” tall and 12” across, are shallow–rooted, and benefit from mulch such as straw, pine needles or plastic. Prefer a soil rich in all the basic nutrients with a pH of 6–6.5.  Plant in well-drained soil, with crown set at soil level. Yield under the best of conditions is about one basket per plant per season.  Everbearers are not as prolific as June bearers but are especially suitable for growers who wish to harvest a constant supply of berries throughout the summer AND in the first year. Plant some and have a large harvest to preserve, and plenty to eat all summer!

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